Digital Society

23 September 2020

唐代人物大數據 : 中國歷代人物傳記資料庫(CBDB)和數位史學

23 September 2020

Establishing the Innovative Spectrum Policies to support the 5G, IOT, and AI Ecosystem : Case of Taiwan

Since many companies or organizations in Taiwan have expressed the need to build 5G enterprise application networks, the government in Taiwan has committed to establish innovative spectrum policies to support the vertical application model to develop the 5G enterprise network to accelerate the digital transformation. This presentation will discuss the stakeholders’ views with regard to the 5G vertical application domains.
23 September 2020

Examining the roles of social media and alternative media in social movement participation : A study of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement

During the recent wave of pro-democracy movement across the world, new media technologies play a vital role in mobilizing participants. This study examines the impacts of social media and alternative media on social movement participation in Hong Kong.
8 October 2020

Electoral and Public Opinion Forecasts with Social Media Data : A Meta-Analysis

In recent years, many studies have used social media data to make estimates of electoral outcomes and public opinion. This paper reports the findings from a meta-analysis examining the predictive power of social media data.
8 October 2020

Inadvertent Learning on a Portal Site : A Longitudinal Field Experiment

Longitudinal analysis using a follow-up survey not only demonstrated that the inadvertent learning effect persisted even after 2 months of the experiment but also suggested that the effect spilled over to new learning opportunities.
8 October 2020

Editorial: Introduction to this Special Issue : English for Academic and Professional Purposes in the Digital Era

Developments in digital communication technologies have had a significant effect on the way that people communicate, including how we gain access to, create and disseminate knowledge in academic and professional contexts. The purpose of this special issue is to engage with these issues.
11 October 2020

Context Collapse or Context Relapse? Analyzing Social and Anti-Social Affordances of Social Media

This paper takes a closer look at two widely used and closely linked concepts in social media scholarship—affordances and context collapse—and critically assesses their value for future research.
11 October 2020

Social media and citizen engagement : A meta-analytic review

This meta-analytic study reviews empirical research published from 2007 to 2013 with an aim of providing robust conclusions about the relationship between social media use and citizen engagement.
29 October 2020

Process-based Model in Digital Multimodal Composing Assessment

CLASS Faculty investigated how to assess the multimodal compositions, which go beyond expression through language alone, by interviewing teachers on a CityU course in English for science, about how they assess students’ digital video scientific documentaries.
4 March 2021

Understanding Political Polarisation in the New Media Age

The distribution of public opinion signals social preferences. People make many decisions in their daily lives based on their perception of the opinion climate. Similarly, policymakers formulate policy proposals based on their understanding of public opinion. With digital and social media becoming an integral part of people’s daily lives for information and communication, the proliferation of digital technologies is changing not only how public opinion can be represented, but also how it can be studied. By adopting a big data-based approach, Dr Chris SHEN Fei, Department of Media and Communication, specialising in the social and political impact of new media technologies, has proposed ways of understanding public opinion through online textual mining.
4 March 2021

Seeking Justice on the Web: How News Media and Social Norms Drive the Practice of Cyber Vigilantism

Dr Stella CHIA of CityU’s Department of Media and Communication has conducted a research study to investigate whether people’s evaluations and reactions to crowdsourced vigilantism are subject to media and social influences.
31 August 2022

Privacy Concerns in the Context of Online Political Participation

Dr Chris SHEN Fei and his doctoral student at CityU’s Department of Media and Communication have conducted a research study across 10 Asian cities. The findings are presented in the article The relationship between online political participation and privacy protection: evidence from 10 Asian societies of different levels of cybersecurity, published in Behaviour and Information Technology.
31 August 2022

Investigating Digital Divide and Mobile Health in Asian Countries

In light of the “digital divide" phenomenon, Dr WANG Xiaohui of CityU’s Department of Media and Communication has designed a study to investigate the factors contributing to mobile health information seeking (MHIS) to profile such information seekers in Asia using data from 10 Asian countries. 
31 August 2022

First Ever Online Racial Discrimination Study in Hong Kong

Funded by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Dr WANG Yuan of CityU’s Department of Media and Communication led a research project titled “A Study of Online Media Representation of Ethnic Minorities and Online Racial Discrimination in Hong Kong.” It analysed how online news articles and their reader comments portray ethnic minority groups in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic and whether this portrayal involves racial bias, stereotypes, or discrimination.
31 August 2022

Pinpointing Adaptive Communication and Perceptions in Long-distance Relationships

Not only do the long-distance couples tune into the communication issue, but many researchers also knuckle down to examine the contextual implications. Dr Crystal JIANG Li of CityU’s Department of Media and Communication presented a research report on adaptive communication and perceptions in long-distance dating.
16 December 2022

Political Unfriending: A Comparative Study of Selective Avoidance on Social Media in Western Democracies

When people encounter dissonant speech on social media, functions such as hiding comments, unfriending and unfollowing friends may reinforce the behaviour of selective avoidance in order to re-establish more homophilous environments online. Dr Marko SKORIC of CityU’s Department of Media and Communication conducted a comparative study with his team on the selective avoidance behaviour of social media users in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
26 January 2024

The Era of AI: How Persuasive is Artificial Intelligence as Compared to Humans?

As AI takes on a growing diversity of tasks, people are curious about the communication effectiveness of AI versus humans. Professor HUANG Guanxiong, Associate Professor of CityU’s Department of Media and Communication, conducted a research on the relative effects of AI versus humans on persuasion and help uncover the circumstances under which these effects are stronger, weaker, or null.