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21 September 2020
唐代人物大數據 : 中國歷代人物傳記資料庫(CBDB)和數位史學
23 September 2020Charting the Emergence of the Digital Humanities in China

Principal investigator: Dr Dr TSUI Lik-hang (Department of Chinese and History)
This chapter seeks to chart the emergence of the digital humanities paradigm within the Chinese humanities, especially its more recent developments from the mid-2010s onwards. These developments include the setting up of centres devoted to digital humanities research within universities in the Greater China region, more training in the form of courses and workshops provided to interested parties, the proliferation of digital humanities platforms online for scholarly use, and increasing numbers of digital humanities studies in scholarly publications. Many mainstream scholars remain cautious towards this new research paradigm, but they have begun to reflect on its developments in writing.
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