Ageing population

31 August 2022

Enhancing Social Capital for Healthy Ageing by Timebanking System

Dr Tracy LU Shiyu of CityU’s Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences recently published a research article “Promoting social capital for healthy ageing: Towards an integrative framework” in The Gerontologist, suggesting an integrated theoretical framework to enhance social capital for healthy ageing. 
15 July 2023

Retirement Goal Clarity Leads to Better Financial Preparedness

Hong Kong is grappling with the issue of an ageing population, as there is no universal pension system, and retirement protection is primarily dependent on the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) scheme. To shed light on this daunting issue, Professor Dannii YEUNG of CityU’s Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences has conducted a study aimed at identifying the psychosocial factors that impact working adults’ readiness to financially prepare for retirement.
15 August 2023

Effects of Public Housing Neighbourhoods on the Risk of Dementia Among Hong Kong Older Adults

Public housing is a major component of the housing in Hong Kong, with nearly half of the population now residing in some form of public housing. Prof Derrick HO Hung-chak, Assistant Professor of CityU’s Department of Public and International Affairs, has recently published a research article in Public Health journal with Prof Tracy LU Shiyu, Assistant Professor of CityU’s Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences and other researchers to evaluate how form/characteristics in public housing neighbourhoods may be associated with dementia among seniors in Hong Kong.
21 August 2024

Accessible Planned Greenspace for Creating an Age Friendly City 城市規劃與長者健康

With an increasing aging population in many cities worldwide, promoting and maintaining the health of elderly individuals has become a pressing public health issue. Professor Derrick HO Hung-chak, Assistant Professor of CityUHK's Department of Public and International, shared his research findings on whether “planned greenspace” or “natural greenspace” is more beneficial to the mental and physical health of elderly individuals in a high-density city with compact environment.