Digital Society

4 March 2021

Seeking Justice on the Web: How News Media and Social Norms Drive the Practice of Cyber Vigilantism

Dr Stella CHIA of CityU’s Department of Media and Communication has conducted a research study to investigate whether people’s evaluations and reactions to crowdsourced vigilantism are subject to media and social influences.
13 April 2021

Global Digital Humanities Symposium – “Amplifying Local Voices: Perspectives on Digital Humanities Praxis from the South”

The field of digital humanities (DH) can provide a framework for critiquing the politics, practices, and discourses that underpin the production of new computational and data infrastructures. But DH can only realize its radical possibilities for rethinking present and future paradigms by decentering the Global North and looking to the South. For DH to emerge as a critical voice in our global digital economy, it must take seriously both the material practices and lived realities of digital practitioners in the Global South. So what can DH learn from the South to create work that is ethical, equitable, and just? Organised by MIT Digital Humanities Lab, in this symposium, this panel provides case studies of innovative DH work in Mexico, Ghana, Hong Kong, and India amongst others to shift conceptions of the South as a place of lack within the digital humanities towards new research that recenters local context and analyses of techno-political power. Additionally, by reflexively examining our disciplinary entanglements within uneven networks of power, the panelists will explore how DH praxis from the South opens up new possibilities for thinking about the pressing issues of our data-driven world. This interdisciplinary panel will feature the following DH scholars from around the world: Isabel Galina Russell (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Kwabena Opoku-Agyemang (University of Ghana), Dr TSUI Lik-hang (City University of Hong Kong), and Mayurakshi Chaudhuri (Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur). Following presentations from each panelist, there will be a discussion moderated by MIT Postdoctoral Fellow, Kanyinsola Obayan. Date & Time 15 April 2021 (Thursday), 5pm – 6:30pm (EST) 16 April 2021 (Friday), 5am – 6:30am (HKT) Registration Please click here to join the stream Presented by: 1. Mayurakshi Chaudhuri, Assistant Professor of Sociology & Digital Humanities Coordinator, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur 2. Isabel Galina Russell, Researcher, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) 3. Kwabena Opoku-Agyemang, Lecturer, Department of English, University of Ghana, Legon 4. Dr TSUI Lik-hang, Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong Moderator: Kanyinsola Obayan, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT Digital Humanities Lab  
26 May 2021

Workshop on Open Access and Open Science
(For CityU CLASS Faculty)

In order to promote Open Access and Open Science in the College, we are organising a workshop on Open Access and Open Science. Date 10 June 2021 (Thu) Time 3pm – 4:30pm Format Zoom Topics & Speakers How to use CityU Scholars to increase research citations and visibility? Ms Alice Tai, Senior Assistant Librarian, Run Run Shaw Library Elements of open science: (i) sharing of data, code, and study materials, and getting cited for it; (ii) pre-registration of research and its relevance in the publication process Dr Nick Petrovsky, Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy Registration Interested colleagues can register here. The link of the Zoom meeting will be sent to registered staff by email one day before the event. Enquiries Miss Kit Fong,
3 June 2021

人機優勢互補 數碼人文以新角度鑑古觀今 (Chinese Version Only)

29 September 2021

The Social Circles of Chinese Historical Figures 古人朋友圈

(Video in Cantonese only with bilingual subtitles) Have you ever imagined whether Tang poets Li Bai and Du Fu knew each other? As technology advances, one can gain an understanding of the social networks of historical figures with the help of digital tools. The use of information technologies in humanities research is referred to as “digital humanities”. In this video, Dr TSUI Lik-hang of CityU’s Department of Chinese and History introduces this mode of research and explains how it can help enhance the depth and breadth of the research by humanities scholars.
25 December 2021

In China, Bragging About Your Wealth Can Get You Censored

Dr Jun ZHANG of CityU's Department of Public and International Affairs opines that the recent crackdown on flaunting wealth online seems to appease public dissatisfaction from a perspective of Chinese class politics.
29 March 2022

When Big Data Meets Sociological Imagination: Transdisciplinary Approaches and Infrastructures for Computational Social Science

Date 15 June 2022 Format Zoom Meeting Registration Click here for registration. Speakers Dr Kaiping CHEN, University of Wisconsin-Madison Prof Zhiwu CHEN, University of Hong Kong Dr Alexander HOHL, University of Utah Dr Linzhuo LI, Zhejiang University Dr Xiaoming ZHANG, University of Hong Kong Prof Dingxin ZHAO, Zhejiang University Symposium Overview Please click here to learn more about the program in details. Target Audience Those with interest in neural understanding of language and social sciences. Enquiries Dr Lik Hang TSUI ( /
29 March 2022

Miscibility and Digital Humanities: What kinds of solutions are we talking about?

Date 8 February 2023 (Wed) Time 16:30 – 18:30 (HKT) Format Zoom Meeting Registration Click here for registration. Speakers Professor Caroline BASSETT, Professor, University of Cambridge Dr Xiaoyu XU, Assistant Professor, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong Dr Esterina NERVINO, Assistant Professor, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong Enquiries Dr Esterina NERVINO ( / +852 3442-8732
31 August 2022

Privacy Concerns in the Context of Online Political Participation

Dr Chris SHEN Fei and his doctoral student at CityU’s Department of Media and Communication have conducted a research study across 10 Asian cities. The findings are presented in the article The relationship between online political participation and privacy protection: evidence from 10 Asian societies of different levels of cybersecurity, published in Behaviour and Information Technology.
31 August 2022

Investigating Digital Divide and Mobile Health in Asian Countries

In light of the “digital divide" phenomenon, Dr WANG Xiaohui of CityU’s Department of Media and Communication has designed a study to investigate the factors contributing to mobile health information seeking (MHIS) to profile such information seekers in Asia using data from 10 Asian countries. 
31 August 2022

First Ever Online Racial Discrimination Study in Hong Kong

Funded by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Dr WANG Yuan of CityU’s Department of Media and Communication led a research project titled “A Study of Online Media Representation of Ethnic Minorities and Online Racial Discrimination in Hong Kong.” It analysed how online news articles and their reader comments portray ethnic minority groups in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic and whether this portrayal involves racial bias, stereotypes, or discrimination.
31 August 2022

Pinpointing Adaptive Communication and Perceptions in Long-distance Relationships

Not only do the long-distance couples tune into the communication issue, but many researchers also knuckle down to examine the contextual implications. Dr Crystal JIANG Li of CityU’s Department of Media and Communication presented a research report on adaptive communication and perceptions in long-distance dating.
26 April 2023

Digital Humanities and Multimodality

Date 10 May 2023 (Wed) Time 16:00 – 18:00 (HKT) Format Zoom Meeting Registration Click here for registration. Speakers Professor John A. Bateman, Professor, Departments of English and Linguistics, Bremen University Dr Christoph Hafner, Associate Professor, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong Enquiries Dr Esterina NERVINO ( / +852 3442-8732  
26 April 2023

Trolling the bot: Human-machine performances and the metapragmatics of AI

Date 11 October 2023 (Wed) Time 17:00 – 18:30 (HKT) Format Hybrid Mode (Zoom and In-person) Venue LI-1400, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building, CityU Registration Click here for registration. Speakers Professor Rodney Jones, Professor of Sociolinguistics, Head of Department, University of Reading Enquiries Professor Christoph HAFNER ( / +852 3442-8734
26 April 2023

Multimodal Communication in the Contemporary Museum: Metafunctional Principles for Cross-modal Analysis

Date 8 November 2023 (Wed) Time 13:00 – 14:00 (HKT) Format To be conducted via Zoom Registration Click here for registration. Speakers Professor Louise Ravelli, Professor of Communication, School of the Arts and Media, University of New South Wales, Sydney Enquiries Professor XU Xiaoyu ( / +852 3442-9877
7 November 2023

How has Digital Humanities developed from the study of classical literature in both China and the West? Challenges for cooperation, collaboration, and engagement

Date 21 November 2023 (Tue) Time 17:00 – 18:30 (HKT) Format To be conducted via Zoom Registration Click here for registration. Speakers Prof Simon Mahony, Professor, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai; Emeritus Professor, University College London Enquiries Miss WEN Yue ( / +852 3442-2101)
16 February 2024


日期 2024年2月27日(週二) 時間 10:00 – 12:00 (HKT) 活動模式 / 語言 實體講座 / 普通話 地點 香港城市大學 李達三葉耀珍學術樓六樓6376室(LI-6376) 註冊地址 按此註冊 講者 黃一農 院士(新竹清華大學特聘講座教授、中研院院士) 主持 徐力恆 教授(香港城市大學中文及歷史學系助理教授、人文及社會科學學院「數碼社會」研究群召集人) 查詢 / +852 3442-2054
23 April 2024

Museums, Visitors, and Data

Date 14 May 2024 (Tue) Time 16:00 – 18:00 (HKT) Format To be conducted via Zoom Registration Click here for registration. Speakers Prof Marina Bondi Professor of English Linguistics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I) Reynold K. W. Tsang DPhil Student in History, University of Oxford Enquiries / +852 3442 8732