人機優勢互補 數碼人文以新角度鑑古觀今 (Chinese Version Only)

As borders reopen, Asia’s ‘zero-Covid’ economies need to start puzzling it out
31 May 2021
How China can safely open its borders as it recovers from the coronavirus pandemic
7 June 2021
As borders reopen, Asia’s ‘zero-Covid’ economies need to start puzzling it out
31 May 2021
How China can safely open its borders as it recovers from the coronavirus pandemic
7 June 2021

人機優勢互補 數碼人文以新角度鑑古觀今 (Chinese Version Only)

Interviewee: Dr TSUI Lik-hang (Department of Chinese and History)     Media: Ming Pao     Publishing Date: 3 June 2021    

科技進步,電腦與資訊科技在人文學科的應用愈來愈廣,革新了固有的研究模式,也為學術研究帶來新視野和路向。近年興起 「數碼人文」 (Digital Humanities)的概念,在兩岸三地華文學界漸受注視。香港城市大學人文社會科學院中文及歷史學系助理教授徐力恆博士是這方面的專家,他期望運用個人經驗在學術界推廣數碼人文,促成更多合作,凝聚不同領域的學者共同參與研究,推展研究成果。
