Karson Shek

9 November 2021
Why Hong Kong Is Building Apartments the Size of Parking Spaces

Why Hong Kong Is Building Apartments the Size of Parking Spaces

Why Hong Kong Is Building Apartments the Size of Parking Spaces Dr CHAN Siu-ming of CityU's Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences sheds light on the social and psychological tolls on local residents of small living spaces.
27 August 2021

在陌生的大學校園中保存自我 (Chinese Version Only)

在陌生的大學校園中保存自我 城大公共及國際事務學系葉健民教授撰文評論大學環境及氣氛變遷,疫情亦令師生難以完全正常地上課,並寄語新生面對陌生校園環境時細心經營,努力尋找自我。
4 August 2021
COVID-19 is here to stay — that’s why we need to reassess risk, competing interests, and relevant context

COVID-19 is here to stay — that’s why we need to reassess risk, competing interests, and relevant context

COVID-19 is here to stay — that’s why we need to reassess risk, competing interests, and relevant context Dr Toby Carroll of the Department of Public and International Affairs opines that COVID-19 is here to stay and it is needed to re-evaluate the solutions and bolster the lines of accountability between state and citizen.